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What is knockout.js and how is it different from jQuery

Anonymous User6508 10-Mar-2015

Hi everyone in this article I’m explaining about how to difference between jQuery.


Knockout.js is JavaScript library that helps to bind html element against data model. Knockout.js is provide simple way to data binding mechanism between your data model and UI. If you do any changes in your data model your UI part automatically reflected and if you do any change in your UI part your data model is automatically reflected.

Why we use Knockout:

Consider a simple example of shopping cart interface for an e-commerce website. When the user add many items in cart and now user want to remove two items in cart that time remove the item from the underlying data model and remove the associated html elements from the shopping cart and also update the total price. If you are not use knockout.js for doing this you have to write event handlers and listeners for dependency tracking.

What is knockout.js and how is it different from jQuery

The Knockout.js provides a simple and convenient way to manage this kind of complex, data-driven interfaces. Instead of manually tracking, each element of the HTML page rely on the affected data and will automatically updated the DOM when any changes to the data model occurs.

What is knockout.js and how is it different from jQuery


Knockout Features:

1.   Declarative Bindings: This allows you to bind the elements of UI to the data model in a simple and convenient way. When you use JavaScript to manipulate DOM, this may cause broken code if you later change the DOM hierarchy or element IDs. But with declarative bindings even if you change the DOM then all bound elements stay connected. You can bind data to a DOM by simply including a data-bind attribute to any DOM element.

2.   Dependency Tracking:  This automatically updates the right parts of your UI whenever your data model changes. This is achieved by the two way bindings and special type of variables called observables. You don't worry about adding event handlers and listeners for dependency tracking.

3.  Templating: This comes in handy when your application becomes more complex and you need a way to display a rich structure of view model data, thus keeping your code simple. Knockout can use alternative template engines for its template binding. Knockout has a native, built-in template engine which you can use right away and can be customize how the data and template are executed to determine the resulting markup.

4.   Extensible:  this implements custom behaviors as new declarative bindings for easy reuse in just a few lines of code. Knockout is also flexible to integrate with other library and technology.

Knockout vs JQuery:

Knockout.js is mvvm JavaScript framework for your browser. It allows you to easily bind raw data to a model and update elements bound to that model.

JQuery is DOM manipulation framework that has made JavaScript not stuck.

Why we use knockout:

1.       If your application actually has some business rules that need encapsulating, knockout will provide you an easy way to do it.

2.       If you are unit testing your JavaScript it is much faster and easier to test only the viewmodel without any actual HTML in the back. You could potentially run something like phantomjs to test your viewmodel.

3.       If you are going to reuse part of the model in other bits of HTML or simply if your HTML is still changing a lot.

4.       If you ned to be able to serialize your whole model In JSON to send to the server.

Updated 07-Sep-2019
I am a content writter !

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